2022 Winter Math Competition


Join us for a beginner-friendly math competition (team and individual), estimation, speaker event, awards ceremony, and provided lunch!

Any questions? Email us at dc@integirls.org


Competition Format

Participants will take part in:

(Competition format subject to change)

Who can Participate? 

To compete in the High School division: the oldest member of your team must be in 12th grade or lower

To compete in the Middle School division: the oldest member of your team must be in 8th grade or lower

(Middle schoolers can choose to join the High School division)

All genders may register


This is a team event with a MAX of 4 members. There is no limit to the number of teams a school / adult sponsor can register. If you need another member, please indicate so on the sign up form.

Past Problems

Need some practice? Check out the past INTEGIRLS problems!

Feel free to emails us at dc@integirls.org if you have any questions about the problems

Our Sponsors: